Lucy’s Two Year Sober Anniversary Reflection
In this blog Lucy shares the magic she has found two years into sobriety and some of the ways you could be holding yourself back if you’re alcohol-free and not finding joy in
How Lucy Upgraded Her Christmas
In this blog Lucy compares her last Christmas while drinking with her first alcohol-free Christmas and explains why Christmas without alcohol has been a serious upgrade. It’s 6.3
Your Guide to Getting Through the Silly Season Alcohol Free
In this blog we share eight powerful strategies to help you get through the silly season without drinking alcohol. This time of the year can be a big test for anyone who isn’
Our Favourite AF Drinks to get you through the festive season
In this blog Lucy lists some of our favourite tried and tested alcohol-free drinks, listed by category, to get you through the silly season. I am going to be honest with you, I hav
5 Tips for Sober Dating
In this blog Lucy shares her experience of dating without drinking and gives you five helpful tips to enjoy the dating scene alcohol-free. When I quit drinking nearly two years ago
Five fears about going alcohol-free & how to overcome them
In this blog Jen shares five of the most common fears that arise before going alcohol-free, as well as ideas for how to boldly move past them. There is no need to sugar-coat it. Im
Why Quitting Before the Silly Season is a Game Changer
In this blog Lucy shares her experience helping Tracey through going alcohol-free before the festive season, and Tracey tells us why stopping at this time of year is absolutely inc
Why can’t I stop drinking?
When I was struggling with alcohol, I asked myself this question often: Why can’t I stop drinking? Although it felt like I couldn’t stop, the reality was, I was really good
Sobriety & Self Compassion
In this blog Lucy describes what self-compassion really is, how it plays an integral part in changing your drinking habits long-term, and she provides four powerful practices you c
Why abstinence is easier than moderation.
In this blog Jen explains why trying to moderate when she was problem-drinking was so much harder than just not drinking at all. When I was worried that I was drinking too much, th