Mummy Wine Time
In this blog Lucy explores Mummy Wine Culture and shares the contrast of her experience of motherhood while drinking versus being alcohol-free. I’m standing outside on a planter
Defeating Drinking FOMO
When you’re considering going alcohol-free, the Fear Of Missing Out on all the drinking fun is real. But what if you know that alcohol isn’t serving you anymore? In this blog w
Five fears about going alcohol-free & how to overcome them
In this blog Jen shares five of the most common fears that arise before going alcohol-free, as well as ideas for how to boldly move past them. There is no need to sugar-coat it. Im
Why Quitting Before the Silly Season is a Game Changer
In this blog Lucy shares her experience helping Tracey through going alcohol-free before the festive season, and Tracey tells us why stopping at this time of year is absolutely inc
Why can’t I stop drinking?
When I was struggling with alcohol, I asked myself this question often: Why can’t I stop drinking? Although it felt like I couldn’t stop, the reality was, I was really good
Why abstinence is easier than moderation.
In this blog Jen explains why trying to moderate when she was problem-drinking was so much harder than just not drinking at all. When I was worried that I was drinking too much, th
To change your drinking, you need to know WHY you drink.
If you want to change your relationship with alcohol, it’s critical to understand the reasons why you drink in the first place. What is alcohol actually doing for you? How is it
Making a Rock-Solid Decision to Quit, Even if quitting is not forever (yet)
This blog describes how to make a firm and solid commitment to your decision to go alcohol-free, so that you can experience the freedom that comes with taking the option of drinkin
10 Ways to Get High off your Own Supply!
Alcohol is a psychoactive drug meaning that it changes brain function and results in alterations in perception, mood, consciousness, cognition and behaviour. For regular alcohol us
Mums: Wine is NOT Helping You
My drinking career began in my teens, binge drinking most weekends, hopping from house party to house party. My twenties was littered with wild, booze-fuelled parties, blackouts on